Hi Humans.
I honestly know that it has been a long time here, but I will save you the opening speech.
We are in crazy times, I know. I never imagined that I would play a role in one of those thrilling apocalyptic movies. I never thought we would experience the movie first hand. This suddenly reminds me of the Last ship series or 2010…
How has it been staying at home? I know you are probably tired of hearing people tell you to make most of the time. Read a book, take a course, write a book, you have heard them say. These points cannot be overemphasized though.
Imagine you sleep on the 1st of march just to wake up on the first of may, that is exactly what it will feel like when this is over and you haven’t gained anything but extra weight.
I am not telling you to be extra serious, so much so you wont have time to play. Watch a movie, create and try new recipes; I have been doing this and it has been awesome. I can share some with you, if you would like.
If there is anything I have learnt from having an extra time off work is that I am a good cook.
Parents, I know those kids are pain in your behind, the only way you could get rid of them was school, now there is no school… I know it is so much energy to deal with; you just want to sedate those pieces of trouble…
Let me teach you an old trick. As kids, when we got too energetic, my mother would send you on something I like to call ‘a journey of no return’ She gives you an impossible task, which you must finish (we never finish them, we got bored and begged to sleep). I learnt a nicer version from everybody hates Chris. Rochelle makes the chores in the house competitive and makes her children do them in all eagerness (nothing dangerous). You could try that “The first person to finish arranging their closets gets an extra spoon of rice.” Watch them scamper around. Or the person that keeps quiet the longest gets a bar of chocolate. While they are at it, you can get some sleep, read a book or have an ‘us’ time with your spouse.
For those of you with toddlers and no older ones to keep them busy, my thoughts are with you.
Most importantly, stay sane! Do not lose your mind. Find your happy place and dwell in it. Say a word of prayer from time to time, get closer to God and get to know yourself more. This too will pass; soon we will wish we had this time to spend alone again.Very Soon we will be back to rushing through the world and trying to achieve too much. Now that we are on a compulsory holiday, stay positive and use it wisely…
Stay Safe

Warm regards

PC- @Solabomi sending love and hope your way

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